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Can’t afford to donate but want to help provide dignity to refugees worldwide? Or maybe you want to get more involved with The Unmentionables but don’t have the time to volunteer? You can make a difference despite not having the money or time by becoming a Social Ambassador!

Social media is a powerful tool and the influence you have with your friends and family can contribute to improving someone’s hygiene, confidence, and safety. While you may think posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have little impact on the populations that we serve, this is far from the truth. Within a few seconds, through a share, like, comment, or retweet, YOU can bring dignity, education, empowerment, and much more, to displaced people around the world. Support our mission and become a Social Ambassador today!




'The Unmentionables Campus Club' is a group of college or university students who believe that every refugee deserves safe and consistent access to sexual and reproductive health education, services, protection and empowerment programs. They will advocate for the right to dignity for every refugee, engage their communities and peers, and fundraise to support The Unmentionables' mission worldwide.


By joining or starting a 'The Unmentionables Campus Club' chapter, you will gain first-hand knowledge and experience in community and peer engagement, advocacy, fundraising, and leadership. You will develop a deeper understanding about the issues and challenges that impact refugees worldwide and play a role in providing refugees with 'unmentionable' products, education, and much more. By joining or starting your own chapter, you will become a member of a passionate, dedicated, tenacious, and creative network of individuals that help provide dignity to refugees worldwide. Download the toolkit to start a chapter today!

Start a chapter today!

If you would like to know more about The Unmentionables Campus Clubs, email us at [email protected].



Our volunteers are a key part in helping us achieve our mission. Read through our volunteer positions below and see which one aligns with your passions and skills! Don’t see a position that fits but think you’d be a great fit? If so, complete the form and let us know. We look forward to hearing from you!


 Available Positions: 


Human Resources Officer Volunteer

Are you interested in doing general human resource management for an international refugee non-profit? Click below to learn more about this position!

Learn more


Can you read, write, and speak Arabic/Farsi/Dari/Greek and English? We need your help with translating written documents and assisting with interpretation during distributions. This position is perfect for Arabic/Farsi/Dari-speaking migrants or Greek-speaking locals currently living in Athens.